25 Sep

Optimization for a productive lifestyle

Category:Blog, thoughtful
Readtime : 3 min

Remeber the traveling salesman problem? A great brainstorming issue for computer science students to form algorithm and mathematicians to answer the best path to cover most of the path for earning maximum benefit by putting minimal effort. It was difficult to find the answer, but despite that, the traveling problem taught us one great lesson of life “How to think in an optimal way”, because whether you are salesman or a programmer or a writer, Saving energy and resources for better utilization in other meaningful activities of life is always a smarter way of living.

We all live a very busy life with a lot of tiring activities both at mental and physical level. it causes stress when the things go out of our hand or we miss the deadlines. Mostly the reason behind this is improper planning or changing the plans dynamically. One failure leads to other failure and we get indulged in solving lingering issues and found ourselves sitting on some pile of issues. This is a very depressing and begins to break the person slowly at emotionally and some physical level too.

Here at this point, It is very important to think what is going on in life, where are the loose points, but be careful simply do not over-think, that may kill the confidence. Now, this is the time to save energy to win the big fight with yourself, the prerequisite for these are self-discipline and strong willpower. Think about resources you have and how that can be utilized in OPTIMAL way. In terms of resources most important are Time, Money and Energy. Money is easy to control, just need to cut-short the unnecessary expenses, little control over desires and by starting saving. The bigger problem is Time and Energy.

For control over your time, start analyzing your daily activities and simply discarding unproductive activities like spending too much time under a shower or talking too much on phone. that will help to save energy as well. There must be a strict plan for daily routine, some strict protocols are fine to win back your world. One of the smart trick is to have a hypothetical time-chart and alarm for your activities, the moment you feel that something is taking too much time compared to other days, your mind needs to get alarmed and understanding priority and impact of that activity, that can be fastened, rescheduled or canceled, But be careful, frequent canceling and rescheduling activities shouldn’t result in procrastination, there must be a clear deadline. meeting up deadlines boosts energy and confidence to a great extent and motivates to work harder.

Managing energy is simply all about not wasting it on any unnecessary activity, do not translate this phrase to be lazy in order to save energy, Make sure you have to save energy for putting a good amount of effort in really important and productive things, you are not saving energy for going into hibernation. same time try to set some time for physical exercise and meditation, in fact bring it in daily routine, that will bring positivity and those moments of self-realization to figure out if you’re doing things in the right way or not. Try to think like that traveling salesman, try to cover as many as points you could, kick out that lazy devil inside, interfering to reach you where you wished to be. The pleasure of even those small achievements brings a good amount of positive energy.

Most important thing which I really emphasize to everybody, Keep doing what makes you happy and try to find a way to that also in an optimal way, so that you can enjoy doing that more and more. Optimization at level is simply great, We are born with the fixed count of breaths, try to invest each of it in it’s best way.

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